


时间:2017-06-19  来源:水保所重点实验室文本大小:【 |  | 】  【打印

  报告题目:“A Utah Soil Moisture Monitoring and Forecast Network for Improved Water Resource Management and Risk Prediction”

  报告人:Scott B. Jones 教授

  报告时间:6月20 日 (星期二)上午09:00


  报告摘要:Soil water is the lifeblood of Planet Earth and it affects virtually every process occurring in soil, including plant growth and crop production, microbial and root respiration, infiltration and groundwater recharge, carbon sequestration and loss, as well as security issues of runoff and flooding, drought and fire. The state of Utah in the USA has a landscape covered with what could be the most dense environmental monitoring network system on Planet Earth, made up of instrumentation installed by agencies such as, iUTAH, Snotel, SCAN, UDOT, Agrimet, and others located across Utah and the Western US. About half of these stations include soil water content sensors for recording soil moisture at one or more depths. These records can provide valuable information for understanding the network’s current or historical soil moisture situation. However, for planning and management purposes, it would be even more beneficial to have access to soil moisture forecasts. For both soil- and weather-forecasts, computer-based numerical simulations of future conditions are required, which rely on current conditions as well as on future “boundary” conditions such as atmospheric temperature and precipitation. Unlike weather forecasts with their high degree of uncertainty, hydrologic processes in soil (e.g., infiltration, ET and drainage) are associated with less variability and are thus more predictable. Funding from the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station will initiate a pilot study of the proposed soil moisture forecast using both iUTAH and other weather station data. The long-term goal is to develop a statewide network and kriged map of soil moisture leading to a state-wide 7-10 day soil moisture forecast. We anticipate this product would improve management and prediction of flood-, fire- and drought-conditions throughout the State of Utah.


  Scott B. Jones:美国犹他州立大学植物-土壤-气候研究中心(Department of Plants, Soils and Climate,Utah State University,Logan, Utah, United States)教授,研究中心副主任,环境土壤物理专家。主要研究方向为土壤环境物理、科学观测仪器测量、水文学、灌溉管理和仪器开发,擅长多孔介质物质和能量迁移转化的模拟与测量,监测和模拟土壤水、气、热和介电常数的性质和过程,地球物理学测量技术的开发与应用,探索在宇宙空间失重环境下多孔介质水的运移特征等。


